Promoting your Facebook Page

Estimated read time 2 min read

Business is not just about providing a product but it is about providing a solution (The Five Principles of Programmed Success, 2015). A solution applies to a person who needs it. If you are going to provide a solution then that solution must apply to a particular market.  So its not just about advertising to the public it is about advertising to the person who needs your solution.

When you open a Facebook page for yourself and you need to promote your business, you then need to know who your market is and how to target them. A person who needs a solution has a specific language that will capture their attention. The following are four simple guidelines for promoting yourself on Facebook.

  1. Know the the Need (Solution)
  2. Identify the persons who fit the profile of the solution or need
  3.  Choose the language and pictures that will attract the person
  4. Engage with the audience

These are four simple rules we use when we create a Facebook for marketing a business. We would never accept to promote a page without the first rule and the second otherwise you would just waste your time.

The other things about promoting a Facebook page is about being consistent. Consistently updating information and providing engaging content. Nothing beats the right content  for the right person.

Article contribution by

Winston (you can contact him on wzvirikuzhe at for services on creating Facebook pages that work.)

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