5 Things that stop us from pursuing our dreams

Estimated read time 3 min read

A lot of people make promises to themselves that they are going to achieve this and that by the end of the year or that by some time this year they will be at a different level. Everyone wants to purse their dreams, but not everyone gets to be successful in doing it as there are several hindrances or “things” that stop us from pursuing our dreams.

1. Something else is taking your attention

It might be work, boyfriend, husband, wife, friends or whatever it is there might be something that is standing in your way from achieving the things that you need to achieve. In the end because of failure to balance between the different demands on you, you fail to concentrate or focus on what you really want to achieve. Your attention is only good for your success if it is focused on the right things in life.

2. You are not sure what to start with

There are any roads that can lead to the same destination, and the availability of the many roads can lead one to become confused. What then happens is that you will have so many options it becomes difficult to choose the one that you really must take. So today you touch one thing and the next day you are on to the next thing, or you might just freeze up because there are so many options you are not sure which ones to take, you end up leaving all of them and just live a regular life.

3. No one is supporting you

This is a complicated one in which we seek support or help but there never seems to be anyone available to assist in the project that you want to do. So instead of standing up for yourself you go to the back of the queue of success because you have no support. If you want to make it in life, there will be times that you have to stand alone in order to make it.

4. You are in the wrong place with the wrong people

Success is opportunity used at the right time and place. If you are not in the right place you will forfeit the opportunity that you need. It is like marketing, you have to have the right market in order to be able to sell the products that you want to sell. In the absence of the right market then the products will never get sold.

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5. You are not aggressive enough

tiger for success
Be your own tiger for success in life

The amount of effort can determine the distance the challenge can be moved. The smaller the force the lesser the success achievement. Aggression sometimes is the single most determinant factor in how far yo can reach in life. If you are not aggressive enough for what you want in life someone else will be and win your dream. Being aggressive can mean waking up at night to study whilst others sleep, traveling the long distance to get exposure, sacrificing your lunch to learn a new skill, giving up your weekend to attending a workshop. These are all acts of good aggression which when practices will make success easier to reach.




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