7 Things to do when your dream is sabotaged 

Estimated read time 5 min read

Sadly when pursuing success or objectives that you believe in you will be sabotaged by different people. Sometimes the people who sabotage you can be the closest people to you who can end up making you focus on the things which are not your dreams. Others could be your business partners who may not be as enthusiastic as you are. In some cases your work can be destroyed to such an extent that you have to start from scratch. It is at this point that you need to decided to carry on or just give up.

Remember your dream is your vision, and no one else sees it like you do. Giving up because of what others do to you will never change the way you saw the vision. We have listed  7 things that you can do when your vision is sabotaged.

1. Count your losses but not demise

When sabotage occurs you will lose money, progress and overall belief in certain people. Those who disappoint you will go down your trust level or be eliminated altogether. You will lose money and time which are difficult to get back. At this time it is best to understand what you have lost and quantify it, accept that this is how it is.

However accepting a loss is not the same as losing a war. Battles are lost but wars can still be won. Losing at that moment is a battle but the vision is still intact, it just means you need to find another way. So, cry for a while, count your loss but do not assume that a lost battle is a lost war.

2. Lose the emotion gain the aggressive passion

At the point of sabotage you might be overwhelmed by emotions of sadness and loss. If you dwell on these for too long you will be depressed and lose focus. If you carry your disappointment for so long your negative baggage will define your future. You need to be aware that when you lose something certain emotions will build up in you and they can weigh you down.

Losing should be an incentive to be better than what you are and not a incentive to be less. Lose the loser emotions and gain the determined warriors aggression.

3. Keep your cards to close to you

When you have been sabotaged it’s because people that were not worth your vision were involved in the planning. It is best to keep your cards to yourself or at least to your closest circle. Sometimes only having one trusted person is better than having hundreds of passengers who will disembark and leave you at any sign of a tyre puncture .

Keep your cards close and don’t let people know how much you have or what your resources are, only say enough to get your project running but not enough to measure the size of your vision.

4. Lose your saboteur

When people keep sabotaging your dreams, lose them immediately. This may mean losing them emotionally, socially and contractually. The more they stay with you the more they will drain you dry and sooner than later every sponge cannot absorb so much. Don’t be emotional about the relationship but be emotional about the vision.

It is best to be alone than to dine with a lion over a small piece of meat, eventually you will become the main course. It is good to share but not everyone is worth the joy of sharing.

5. Increase your standard and expectations

The reason why you got sabotaged in the first place is because you lowered your standard and expectation. You let your guard down and expected things to work out by themselves. If you believe in a certain standard then keep to that standard. Don’t compromise your standard for people’s lower expectations.

A Ferrari is built for speed, if it moves at the same speed as a Toyota vitz  for too long then that Ferrari loses what makes it a Ferrari. Don’t compromise the speed of your dream for the slow speed of your relationship.  Increase your standard so that saboteurs lose access to you.

6. Plan once more

After being sabotaged you need to go to the drawing board to fix a new plan. Set new targets, new objectives but keep the vision. When a detour is given, it does not mean that the destiny changes. It just means that the path is different and the requirements are no longer the same. When you have been sabotaged it is not time to try and use the same plans. Get up and use the same vision but change the path to that vision.

Saboteurs tend to take your plans and use your template of the journey but because they have no sight of your vision  and they may never sustain the vision. Because you are the one that sees the vision, it’s evolution is within your grasp.

7. Stay true to what you believe

What gets hurt the most by a saboteur is not the money or the resources, but the belief in what you were doing. The more you lose that belief the more your idea is lost. Your vision is only as strong as the strength of your belief. What you believe in fuels  the pursuit of success.

I encourage you not to lose heart, don’t be discouraged by saboteurs instead pick up your mantle of destiny and rise beyond the haters. You are only as successful as you choose not as others choose for you.

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