The best Way to Study

Estimated read time 2 min read

You might be preparing for an exam or you are in a course of some sort and you are wondering what is the best way to study.

1. Take practice questions

The best way to study is to practice questions for an exam. The more you practice the more you learn new things and the following is achieved
• Confidence is increased
• You feel much ready and not just confident
• Your brain is wired to answer questions
• You start to think like you have been doing this for years

2. Apply what you are studying to everyday life

Question life and question your life to see how it is working in relation to what you are studying. Stare at the world and draw comparisons with what you are studying. This is like modeling life to your studies; you begin to notice new things.

3. Do random readings

Once in a while step away from your sequential reading of your books or study material and just open any page in the book and read. You might be pleasantly surprised as to what you are reading and how new it is to you.

4. Construct personal questions

This is a favorite of mine, when reading simply take a pen write a question based on what you are reading so that you can ask yourself later on. This method works wonders as it imprints your study into your mind.

5. Find private times with no disturbances preferably mornings

If you are going to study, then do it when you feel like the lone ranger, put more time into it so that you can read to yourself and implement all the above techniques. Nothing beats personal reading.

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