Claudio Ranieri’s 5 Scores of a good coach

Estimated read time 4 min read

Leicester are Premier League champions (2015/16) from being relegation survivors in England to becoming the winning team by a considerable margin. Naturally a combination of things can have assisted in helping the team to reach their current positions but of those things is having a good coach.

1. Spirit

If you want a winning team then creating a happy team that is focused is important. It’s not always about the bonus of money or the incentive of winning that creates a winner it is but the realization that the game is played by humans and not objective machines. The playing level of any person is also determined by the balance of the person. Claudio Ranieri managed to do this with Leicester. From such acts  as simply rewarding his players with pizza, Ranieri encouraged his team to be a better team as humans first before as players. If you want to be a good coach then work on the spirit before the winning.

happy person
Happiness can conquer the world and can be the fuel for success

2. Keep simple objectives

Claudio Ranieri never spoke about qualifying for champion league or winning the league title until the last days of the final games. Keeping simple objectives does not burden people and helps them to focus more on what needs to be done. Coaching a  team means breaking down the big goals into simple achievable objectives. The journey of a thousand miles is the sum of it’s single miles. Achieve single miles and you achieve accumulated points towards the end of the journey. Leicester thus were playing one game at a time. Winning by the most basic of margins enabled them to keep it simple without bothering to look for big margins.

3. Disciplined approach

The confusion of most coaches is in trying to achieve too many approaches and lacking the disciplined approach. A team becomes confused when there are too many instructions on how to play the game. A disciplined approach keeps it simple and focuses on what is important. Build enough trust in your players and let them do the rest. Keep a consistent easy message and they will adapt it to the best of their abilities. If a message is all over the place with too many instructions it dilutes the ability of the players to concentrate. Claudio Ranieri kept a disciplined approach which was easy to follow. Consistency creates constancy and constancy creates culture.

4. Work on natural strengths

It is not just about building skills,  it is also about  catalyzing natural strengths to create other capabilities. The counter attack for Leicester was not built on artificial strength but rather on the already natural abilities of the players. Work on the natural strengths of the players and catalyze this to build other strengths and skills. Confidence is built when one masters their own strength, from there they will build on their strength and are more willing to work on new things. The foundation of success for Leicester is confidence and  confidence is built on natural strength.

5. Project your belief

A good coach believes in those players and projects this. Talk about your players positively and show them that you are confident in them. Don’t look for the big stars but let the players know that they are the big stars. Instead of buying big stars Leicester created the big stars. Too many teams rely on buying major world stars and forget that these world stars had to start from somewhere. Claudio Ranieri’s team was not worth more than 60 million pounds when the 2015/16 season started but it’s ability under a good coach was worth more than the teams valued at more than 200 million pounds such as Manchester City. Manchester United or Chelsea. It’s not the team with the most millions that wins, it is the coach that believes his team is worth millions that wins. Project your confidence in your team to the players and you will succeed as a coach.

We salute Claudio Ranieri for what he did with Leicester which is sporting history in the 2015/2016 season and is worth a mention in unlocked success. Unlocking success stands for setting minds for success and Claudio Ranieri wins our award for the best performance of the April 2016.

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