3 Reasons why Success is a Principle that matures with time

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Time is always changing but the ability to succeed is something you learn in time and you can use to achieve the things that you need.  The secret to success is understanding that it is a principle and that it is seen through objects.

1. Success is a principle

In the book “Five Principles of Programmed Success” success is stated as a principle. It is not a permanently stagnant target but a target that moves in time. Life is always evolving, society changing and hence what you called success through certain objects that you identified as “success” will change. Success is manifested in objects but success in itself is a principle. Being able to achieve something is the success, the thing is just the object of success. Success is an ability of the mind to achieve and translate its thoughts into reality. It is like a program that you develop over time. Think of buying a car worth 7,000 dollars. The car is the object but the ability to transform your imagination into something tangible is the success. Once you re able to buy a car which has a value of 7,000 it means that you are now over that stage of thinking that buying such a car is impossible. To another person buying such car might seem like a pipe dream, something they would never achieve in their lifetime, simply because they have not established a way of thinking that translates their vision into reality.

Hence success is a principle.

2. Hence the objects of success will change but the principle remains the same

Because society is constantly changing, new targets, new requirements and new needs, success will always seem like it is changing. The truth is that it is not success that changes, the principle stays the same, what changes is the objects. Remember success is the ability to translate your imagination into a seen object, the ability does not change once you acquire it, what changes is the object. Staying with the car example, before, a small car might have been your fancy but after some time your needs might increase and your fancy becomes a four by four. What has changed is the object but your ability to translate the vision is still the same.

3. Success becomes experience

When the ability to achieve becomes your innate instinct then success becomes experience. There are people who just seem “like awesome problem solvers”, they are always calm under pressure and seem so composed. Such people may have developed this side of them over time such that it is now second nature to them, they don’t need to think about being calm, they just are. Success can easily become an experience. People wonder why the rich keep getting rich and getting better and better projects, a good reason is because success has become an experience. They now understand what it takes to translate their visions into reality.

When you say you want to be successful you need to learn that it is about how you translate what you believe in into reality. The moment you learn that, then your ability to move a stone will translate into moving a boulder.

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