5 limitations that affect your success

Estimated read time 3 min read

We define the road our success will take by the limitations that we believe in or what we think has been set as our limits. Most of our lives are full of different boundaries which we have set in different forms. Success is the ability to go beyond those boundaries which are set before you. There are 5 areas of limitations that we let define us yet they are not supposed to.

1. Education

Your degree, diploma, masters, PhD , of high school certificates does not mean the ceiling for your success. Most of the time we define what we are wiling to try or understand according to what we think we are qualified in. In the end we limit our thinking only to what we were trained in. So a programmer might never think that they can run a newspaper because, they limit their skills only to their programming training.

2. Tradition

A continuous area of limitation that affects most people is what they call “Tradition”. We design our lives according to what we were taught and how we were taught to do everything else. So most societies then build their understanding of life in line with culture which is just a repetition of tradition. We never go beyond tradition because of the stigma that is associated with non-conformance.

3. People

A limitation that we never really pay attention to is the people around us. We tend to succeed only as far as our friends have succeeded. In most terms we are told what we can and cannot do according to other people’s experience. Inside, we are reluctant to be different as this might offend our friends or families. Instead of being our number one supporters, people can become our number one discouragement.

4. Environment

You might be the fastest woman in the 100 metre dash but if you are running in a society that does not recognize records or even participate in sports then your 100 metre dash ability will not count. In such a situation, for you to be recognized you will need to move to a new environment. A computer business cannot succeed in a place where there are only 2 customers. Change your environment to go beyond your limits.

5. Your perception of time

The last point of limitation for this article is your perception of time. If you think you are too old you will be too old,if you think that you will never make it, then you will never do. Your perception of time is important because it is one of the most important resources that you have. Your life is directly measured by what you do in life, if you  don’t get it right then the value of what you achieve may never be satisfactory.



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