Don’t Judge a person’s shoes before you know their life journey

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Every business starts from the bottom, and every life starts from a point of zero, don’t be discouraged with ups and downs. Your shoes maybe rugged but your journey is rich. Sometime people will laugh at you and make fun of what you are trying to achieve without understanding where you are coming from but you must stay focused and reach for the destination that you believe in your heart. Through the tears stick to the outcome of the plan.

Old Shoes’ ruggedness is experience (Knowledge)

The shoes may be rugged but its not that they are old, they just have more experience. Experience can look old and look useless yet inside it is knowledge on how to achieve the greatest of things that new shoes may not understand.  When you are working hard to establish your business, you will get sick, tired, and generally look the worse for wear. This does not mean that you are going nowhere, it just means you are getting richer in experience.
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Old Shoes Prove Toughness (Reliability)

You might be worn our from the battles of life, but the fact that you are still standing means you are a reliable tough person. The shoes may look old, but if they are still being worn, they are reliable. Old shoes in use prove stamina and determination. Wisdom is not about how new you look it is about what you do  or achieve that will count, and sometimes the old shoes have a greater advantage. Old shoes prove a passed test of time and a victory over many terrains. When you look in the mirror and you see a tired image, smile  and laugh, its just the old shoes with a rich journey of toughness. You are still standing

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Old Shoes Prove the Perfect Fit (Understanding)

For shoes to get old whilst being worn for a long time,  proves the perfect fit. A person does not always get rid of that which works. In life always look for the perfect fit. A successful partnership is a perfect fit between two people in understanding. When the understanding is there, the vision of success is easier to attain. The journey is long in life, and the right shoe is required to succeed, hence the perfect fit. Most relationships fail because the partnerships lacks the right fit.

Old shoes prove the perfect fit and a trust relationship
Old shoes prove the perfect fit and a trust relationship

Old Shoes Prove Trust and Relationship (Time)

Success is not dependable unless if there is trust and an existing relationship. If a person prefers their old shoes, sometimes its because there is a long relationship. If you have chosen the perfect fit, then chances are higher that there can be trust and a relationship in the partnership. The journey to success is long so if you have the right values and mission statement in 20 years it may seem old but in truth it should never be disrespected because it is what got you there. When pursuing the journey of success, there must be at least one thing that stands the test of time.

Strap on Shoes for Better or Worse

The journey to success is not easy, it will make you tired and rugged but the experience is rich in opportunity. Sometimes you might not seem like you are getting anywhere but the long journey is your training for recognizing opportunities for greater victory. The exposure of the journey is the degree of life in recognizing opportunities.

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