Your Mind is the Universe and the World is the place of Experiment.

Estimated read time 7 min read

For the sake of this article let us define a few things, an experiment by internet definition is “a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.” If we were to use the definition given by the it would define an experiment as “Research method for testing different assumptions (hypotheses) by trial and error under conditions constructed and controlled by the researcher. During the experiment, one or more conditions (called independent variables) are allowed to change in an organized manner and the effects of these changes on associated conditions (called dependent variables) is measured, recorded, validated, and analyzed for arriving at a conclusion.” Whatever is in the world whether you believe in creation or evolution, the fact of the matter is that the world system and what we interact with are a place of implementation from someone’s thoughts. Now these thoughts can be thought out as ideas or engineering to which effect we have existence.

On the other hand the world is a systematic place of inputs, processes and outputs, it is a determined place where things move or evolve according to set out laws or relationships. The world is therefore concepts and materials interlinked to function in determined ways. You create the world daily when you wake up and if you don’t wake up the world has so many variables who create it and let it spin, with or without your participation the world is still made. The key thing to understand that is the world is at your disposal, you are supposed to make it daily and have dominion over it.

The mind for the sake of this article shall be a fusion of your brain and the beliefs that you have consciously or subconsciously accepted. It is the place where things are developed and let us leave it at that.

Your Mind is the Universe and the World is the place of Experiment.

First let us understand that the brain is mass of interconnected matter for which one thing is certain, everything is connected and functions within the same principle of conscious exchange. The synapse connectivity enables the memory storage, recognition, logical procession and pattern matching to be able to be done. Without the connectivity between the neurons the brain ceases to be the brain. The mind is the gateway to the brain which sets the limits and the laws of what the brain will function or focus on. Before the mind exists the brain already has its structural make up in order to facilitate the human being to live, the brain comes later as a keyboard input into the brain for creating new information and learning new things. So the same way that your computer has a mouse or keyboard the mind is the interception unit for entering new things into the brain. The difference is that the mind creates new programs daily, based on limitations that it puts out. Because all neurons are in a connected system it therefore concludes that all things are connected in the mind and outside of it.

We create movies and dream of robots and years later we create them, we dream stadiums, vehicles, technology, ships and decades later we create them. The mind is where the creativity occurs, it is one sphere of existence where the things exists in neuron and connectivity form  and the world is a different level where we then experiment to bring them to material existence. Everything that exists is the result of imagination. From the legal laws, the customs and traditions, and anything else in between. Anything that you can think of is simply something that our minds imagined and we experimented to perfection of culture and infrastructure. The mind is the universe.

Our experiments in the world are only limited by the level at which we understand how to get the material or participants that we need. So in business we limit our participation of experiment to the amount of capital that we have, in world economics it is according to the power of dominance as determined by the capital that we create; and hence largely in the human experiment we are limited to capital which is just an idea perfected over time.In other sectors the level of infrastructure is limited to the idea of it,the land and the economic return. Big hint, money is just a value of perception we accept.

Imagination is as real as the substance on earth

Our mistake is in thinking that imagination is not real, it’s not real with regards to the earth or world system but it is real with regards to the mind and the relationship with the earth. The manifestation of the mind’s imagination to the earth is just the experimental process to create it at this level. As a man thinketh so is he, faith is the substance of things hoped for, you become what you think,  are all words used to try and explain this phenomenon, your mind is a universe on its own. Your mind experiences on the earth and creates realities and world systems. The difference between people is the willingness to translate their imagination into the material world.

Many people are rich with amazing universes which have so many functions and creations, their limitation is their laws of beliefs which constrain them. Fear, doubt, uncertainty are all just barriers to capability and ability, which when one learns to overcome, a new world can be created around us. Your vision, ideas and thoughts are not just an abstract thing which is not real, just because one cannot see them at this level does not mean they are not real, they are real, you just have to manifest them. Remember the definition of experiment “Research method for testing different assumptions (hypotheses) by trial and error under conditions constructed and controlled by the researcher. During the experiment, one or more conditions (called independent variables) are allowed to change in an organized manner and the effects of these changes on associated conditions (called dependent variables) is measured, recorded, validated, and analyzed for arriving at a conclusion.”

Translating what you imagine to this level

You as the researcher or the mind must have a hypotheses which is the imagination or idea, hence you must then be willing to try it out in this world which is the implementation through trial and error under conditions that you as the researcher construct in your mind and control by the inputs and process that you put in place. Success is already success in your mind and exists, the only challenge is how you “experiment” it into this world.

Your barriers to your success are not in the world they are in your mind, they are concepts that you have accepted as controls to the experiment and translating of your imagination into this world. What truly stops you from doing business is not the lack of capital but the belief that capital can never be found or raised by someone like you. We do not war against material stuff but against principles and concepts in the universe, and that universe is our minds.

Who you are is therefore a function of the content that your universe has and how you use what it is that you have. Your inability to translate your imagination into a tangible existence in this world is what we call failure, our education is limited to tangible and not to translation and our reality is an illusion of control and not experiment. We should be experts in imagination and its translation but instead we are experts in conformity and limitations.


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