Time and chance happen to them all, 5 Positions you need

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It’s true that the race is not always for the swift as life seems to have a mind of its own such that chance and time happen to them all. In order to get  chance in your favor there are 5 positions that you need to take in life which will  help to ensure that you have a time to get the chance.

Position 1: Mind

Unlocked success is all about setting your mind for success. Chance will always come along but if your mind is set on the wrong things it might never respond when the time is right and chance has come knocking by the door. Your position in life from a mind perspective is the attitude that you have. If your attitude is closed then every door that comes your mind will close the door of opportunity. Your mind is the door key way to opening any opportunity that comes.

Position 2: Skills/Talents

If the talent scout walks by and the skill set is not ready then chance and time will also pass. The number 2 position has to do with “Are you ready to play when the game calls for itYour talent can open doors when needed, but only if your skills are up to the standard required to enter through the door of success.

happy luck
Your luck can sometimes come with just the right smile placed at the right time.

Position 3: Your Location

Where you are is a determination of what chance and time will find you. If you are in the wrong place at the right time, chance may pass by but you may not have the time for it because you would be in the wrong place. Your location is a critical aspect to who notices you and what chance you can take advantage of when the time comes. If you have big dreams then be where you need to be to wake up to the reality of the dreams.

Some luck can only happen in the right place with the right weather. Not every weather can allow you to sell umbrellas

Position 4: Your Actions

How you act or respond to different occurrences in the environment will always determine what cause and effect you will have in life. All actions are of a consequences, some will be the catalyst to bigger events whilst some will be the levers to creating the greatest occurrences. If you don’t have the courage to act then chance and time might never be attracted to your actions. The deep calls to the deep and chance is attracted to its own like.

Position 5: The people relativity

The people that you talk to and associate with create an environment of what chance will be attracted to. If your friends and networks are all about football then most likely you will be found in places that have to do with football. Chances moves in specific areas and also in specific crowds. The quality of chance is the quantity of associations you have in time. Be careful who you associate with and who you spend time with.


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