What is Time?

Estimated read time 6 min read

You are born and you die and time seems to pass us by. We stare at the clock and the clock seems to move. Our idea of time is an illusion that we have created in order to make sense of our own lives. Before we were, time already existed in its absolute form. Before Einstein proposed the theory of relativity our notion of time was different in the physics world.

What time is not

In order to fully understand what time is we must first understand what it is not. To start with time is not the movement of the clock. We are educated to believe that as the clock ticks so does time, the clock is just a system of measurement that we use for our own mathematical grasp of the world and organisation of it. No matter how perfectly synchronized every clock is in the world it is not time it is simply an object that we created in order to measure specific events. Our clocks are aligned to our existence on earth and hence are relative to our experience on earth. The clocks we use would lose all parity of time as we know it when on Jupiter or Mars because  the days are not 24 hours hence the clocks are not time. Our greatest illusion, in my opinion, is the one we tell ourselves daily because we program our selves according to the clock time. So on Jupiter what we measure as morning which is simply the position of the earth in relation to the sun, is not the same and has a completely set of events on Jupiter. Everything about us has been predicated on time which is the biggest illusion of all, we celebrate new years, birthdays, anniversaries, and specific memories on the clock. Think about this, we created the calendar of measurement, however it is simply based on events that we call seasons, and revolution of the earth. Our calendars are simply a system to remind us or keep us in a clock system.

Time is not life and neither is it death. Time is not an event. When we say it is time to run, it is not time to run, it is just an event that is happening. However we are so programmed to believe that time is what we do we are not aware that time is not an event. With or without events time will still be there. If the sun “dies” tomorrow, of which it will in a few billion years, our years, time will not stop, it will still happen. Time will continue as if nothing happened and new stars will be created and old ones will be phased out, it is all part of the program.

Time is not a person. There is no one called time who sits and plays with time. Time is not a being because if it was a being then we would be living inside that being’s imagination and out of it as well. In some parts of the world they talk abut father time, as if it is some entity who is controlling how time functions.

The effect of time

It is also important to understand the impact of time. There is only one sure thing about time that we  can be absolutely certain about it. Everything that is affected by time is affected through motion. All things are energy that we see, but all things are energy in motion no matter how slow they may appear. The table is in motion and so are the mountains, trees, people and anything we can appreciate. Decay is simply motion at different speeds which results in  new things which lose specific energy to create a decayed material. Energy changes from one form to another. When you measure a speeding car as a human being, you don’t know the speed but what you do see is the pattern as the car moves. You can judge when it will pass a specific place without needing a clock. When there is a clock that is when you can say that the car is moving at 60 miles an hour.

The earth is in motion, so is the sun, so is the galaxy and so are the constellations, and the whole universe is moving a few million kilometers an hour, according to our clock measurement that is.  To succeed in time the motion must be the right motion. So in its truest sense success is motion in time that results in an objective being met. If you don’t move at the right vibration you cannot succeed at the levels that you want to succeed.

So whether you are in motion or not, as Mr Einstein postulated on relativity, the impact of time as according to this article is that all things must constantly or consistently be in motion, when they cease to be in motion then it is no longer time that is impacting them. Motion is not time, motion is the impact of time.

So what is time?

Let us imagine for moment a football stadium like Old Trafford. In that stadium you will have Manchester United playing against Liverpool. Then in that stadium you have 75,486 fans,players, referees,  coaches, medical staff, police, grounds people, TV and Radio broadcasters, print media, bloggers, the grass, the poles, the oxygen and more. In the stadium is a giant clock measuring the “game time”. The giant clock is not the time, and neither is the game itself. Time is not the stadium, or the people, it is not the space. Time is therefore that substance that enables all these things to exist, it is a resource in which all things can be created or occur. Time is an enabler of the game, it allows energy to be formed or not formed, it is the very fabric of existence. Without time there would be no stadium, no space, no game, no imagination, everything will not be be possible.

Time is therefore a resource that is used to construct everything that we know. Our mathematics is just an expression we use in a system what exits because time allows it. Clocks are just systems that measure events that we then relate to. Time presents to us opportunities in different forms. Everything around us is time, hence time cannot be traveled, however we can travel between events that happen in time (time travel is normal).

When we say time is a resource we make a mistake in thinking that it is the same as fuel, gold, money which are all substances created by time in time, time is a resource which is the origin of all things. It gives us opportunity to exist. We spend too much time trying to to possess time, yet we should be learning how to function in time.



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