Make sure to check out all of the features and capabilities for enterprise solutions- Pt XI

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The CRM provides a platform to organize and track interaction with potential or existing clients, partners, agents and other contacts.

ERPNext forms a contact base where the interaction and the history of contacts are managed and stored. All new events (phone calls, messages, meetings) connected with a contact or company are easily logged and further interaction can be planned, including by using integrated tasks.

Managing Interaction

The manufacturing software contains instruments to create reports, import/export contacts, carry out analysis, and to perform segmentation of the target audience as precisely as needed. Incoming contacts or leads can be divided among sales managers, marketing campaigns can be analysed, and access permission to any deal or lead can be varied depending on its status or other parameters.

The interface in the CRM is convenient and intuitive, and it includes a CRM-only activity stream. This stream is a universal interface that enables actions (notes, emails, tasks, meetings and phone calls) to be initiated on any object or objects in the CRM Software from a single point.

Reports and Sales Funnels

A quick look at the sales funnel gives an immediate account of transactions in progress and their respective stages. Stages can be added easily and each one appears in a separate line and different colour. The length of the line corresponds to the total sum of the deals at that stage, and a table with the numeric values is displayed below the funnel. Importantly, ERP Software lets you have unlimited sales pipelines and build multiple sales funnels if you have several product lines or profit centres.

CRM Dashboards

Dashboards in field service management software are instant snapshots of the most important sales activities. Each agent can see how many deals they’ve won, how many clients haven’t been invoiced yet, agent’s rating in comparison with other sales team members and so on. Dashboards are currently available for deals, leads & invoices and are in the process of being added to all other CRM entities (Contacts, Companies).

Invoices inside the CRM

The CRM in ngo accounting software allows you to create personalized invoices instantly. Client data are automatically inserted into an invoice – just select the appropriate Contact or Lead. Recurring invoices are supported.

Products and services that are included in an invoice can be selected from existing items, or you can create new ones on the fly. When done, you can send the invoice directly from your CRM to the client’s email address, save the invoice as a PDF file, and even print it out right from your web browser!

Sales targets and quotas

Sales targets can be set directly inside ehs software. This means you can set goals for each of your sales agents, each pipeline, entire company, and track their progress in real time. They can be set in two different ways – either as a number of deals that have to be won for a set period of time, or a minimum required sales volume.

Open channels

Open channels connect most popular social networks and messengers with hvac service software. Client messages from Facebook, VK, Telegram, Skype and other platforms are distributed among CRM users according to the set rules. Even though your employees use ERP to communicate with clients real time, the clients will see all replies in the social network or the messenger they initiated the contact with.

Mobile CRM

The CRM is accessible in the Mobile App so you can find the information you need while on the move. job card software allows creation or editing of CRM entries and invoices directly from a mobile device. You can use the product catalogue, browse client records, and even make calls from your Mobile CRM!

Emails to clients

Email marketing is free in CRM. Send individual or group emails to a list of leads, contacts, or companies. Each CRM manager can use a separate email account or you can assign a single email address to be used by all.

Message templates, mail merge and integrations with most popular email marketing platforms are available as well.

Whether you use CRM, email client, webmail or mobile email app to send emails, all messages will be synced with the CRM and appended to the appropriate CRM object.

Access Rights and Roles in CRM

You can assign access to CRM elements in a very flexible way, dividing them among company employees at any stage of the customer engagement process. Any group, department or individually selected user in the intranet may be assigned a ‘role’ such as sales manager, team leader, administrator, etc. These roles can then be allowed access to elements of the CRM.


keeps a detailed log of which employees accessed your CRM records and what they did with them. As an administrator, you are able to view this information and restore previous values if necessary.

Marketing Automation

There are a number of sales and marketing automation rules inside CRM that can be triggered by a variety of events. For example, you can add or remove clients to and from remarketing lists based on their behaviour. Or you can automatically call or send emails to clients a set number of days before their current subscription expires. You can fully automate your sales funnel, segment leads based on their actions and responses and push deals down the pipeline with minimal human involvement.

Business processes in the CRM

Leads and Deals can be processed with substantial automation using business processes. A business process can contain any and all possible actions with CRM elements: sending email, assigning responsibility, setting tasks, etc. Business processes can change the status of elements, fill in fields, and create new elements such as deals.

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