The Design Laws of the Universe and How they work

Estimated read time 8 min read

There is so much to the universe, its design, its function and the different elements in it. The way the universe is designed is uniform with particular laws in place which determine how the universe works. These Universe Design Laws as we shall refer to them in this article apply to galaxies, stars, planets and every big and small thing that can be found in the universe. Understanding the Universe Design Laws can assist us in knowing what to do and what not to do in life.

1. All things exist in relativity

Everything in the universe when close or near to each other has an impact or effect on each other’s existence. A simple example is how the sun affects every planet close to it such as the Earth and planet Jupiter. The earth is known to affect the moon and the moon affects the earth, for example tidal waves.

The universe is designed in such a way that every universe inhabitant has an impact on the next object next to them. Even if we do not see it the impact is there. Two people can be a in closed room, sitting opposite each other, without talking to each other or looking at each other but each facing a different direction. The question is when they are silent how do they affect each other even if they are not facing each other. The two people need to breathe, so they inhale and exhale. There is oxygen and carbon dioxide that is exchanged, each one produces body heat, which in turn affects the most minute of atmosphere, each one has thoughts which in a different realm of understanding can impact the next person. Ever seen how a person’s energy can affect everyone else in the same room without them talking?

Societies which are located close to each other affect each other’s progress and existence, think of resources like water, vegetation, the soil and the creation of pollution. It is all part of the ecosystem and in large also a part of the Universe Design Laws.  Human ideas, inventions, words, time and so much is related and affects each other.

2 All celestial bodies are systems and worlds to themselves

Each element in the universe is a system to itself. Hence the human body on its own is a system which at the most basic inputs, processes and outputs. The planet is a system on its own, the sun is a system on its own and so much more. Even the tiniest of the things like a sand grain is a system on its own. It is well known that an atom has its own elements and those elements in themselves have their own elements.

When we look at a universe element it is not just one thing it is many systems in place, with one large system around it. We tend to think in terms of sequential addition and singular numbers hence we believe one is one, yet one is many things. There are many different systems that exist and thus many different realms that also exist. In their own realm, plants communicate between each other and so do chickens, it’s just that we as humans may simply not understand the system at play. We now know that bees have their own system of communication, yet before we knew we just thought bees dance.

A planet like Mars is a system on its own which has a unique atmosphere, minerals, temperatures and so much more. When we as humans are looking for another planet to inhabit we tend to look for a twin earth without realizing that the earth is unique but that we need to work with the system of the planet that can produce water and the things we need. Each system has its own function, however, in the end they are all the same processes just different speeds.

3 All things exist in motion and are in constant motion

Nothing is stationary, all things are in motion. The galaxies such as our own are in motion. For example the Milky Way as of current knowledge is thought or observed to be spinning at an estimated 210km per second. Now most people do not know that the galaxy is spinning and is in motion. The earth on the other hand is moving at roughly about 30 km per second on its journey around the sun, whilst the galaxy is moving at over 1,000 km per second whilst spinning at the fore mentioned 210 km per second.

All things are thus in motion, even the elements around us are forever vibrating at rapid speeds. The electron is moving at about 2,200 km per second which in all counts is very fast. Think about it for a moment, inside of each one of us are elements moving at over thousands of km per second. Now the speeds of the electrons differ based on the different elements for example the speed of a hydrogen electron is not the same as of any other atom.

Frequency of vibration is simply speed. When all things are in motion it means that the Universe Design Law applies to all matter, dark matter or any other matter. This creates a notion of different realms.

Some things are around us but because of the speed they move at we simply cannot register them with our senses. If you wish to succeed in life be in motion.

4 Destruction and creation are two sides of the same event

Whenever something is destroyed something is created. Perhaps one of the greatest observations if not the greatest is the knowledge that energy is never destroyed but simply changes from one form to another. Just because we cannot see something does not means it is not there, it’s just not visible to our sense. When we create something new we destroy something else. Destruction in this term does not mean the end of something it simply means the constructive change of design of  something.

Think of an old building that needs to be destroyed and think of all that material in that building. When the building is knocked down that does not mean the building is destroyed, it just means the shape of energy construction of the upright shape is changed to something else. In most times we think things are destroyed yet it is the creation of something new. Do not look to destroy but look to create new things.

Destruction and creation are two sides of the same event and we must be conscious of what we are doing. When we create we must know what we have destroyed and when we destroy we must know what we have created. It is like the change of government, whenever you remove a government you create a new form of government. Stars when they burn our they create new things, for example we know that the death of a star creates  a white dwarf and/or black holes.  It’s still the same sun but different composition because of different speeds and design of construction.

5 All matter is the same and only differs in the speed of motion, speed creates different states of existence.

Since everything is in motion the difference in speed creates different material and most importantly to us it creates a different impression of what is and what is not. Everything around us is in motion, and that motion determines the difference between a nuclear explosion and a super nova explosion. The explosion of a super nova has so much speed in it we cannot even begin to understand the level of energy that is involved in it.

Energy is determined by the motion of the elements inside each energy particle. If you want to go fast in life then you have to think fast and be ahead of the pack. We are all the same as humans but the difference comes in who moves fast and who is conservative. A billionaire is simply a person who accumulates money at a very fast speed whilst a poor person is a person who accumulates money at a very slow rate. A wise person thinks fast and comes to a reasoning that has considered the jeopardy and the merits. A foolish person speeds in thought to ignore all sides because they are not fast enough to consider all sides.

The speed of the earth is just perfect for its systems, hence seas  and oceans do well on earth, whilst its distance from the sun is just the right distance for us as humans. Speed of life is important and is also a determinant of age. All things are moving at different speeds, what becomes of them is therefore the outcome of speed.

Success is not just about being fast but about judging the level of speed relative to the objective that one needs to achieve within the system of existence creating the best and destroying that which is not relevant.

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