How to start business that works in three easy steps

Estimated read time 3 min read

Starting a business can seem like a daunting task if one is not prepared or well informed on how easy it can be. So the question we are addressing is, “How do I start a business?” Besides the logical registration of business we are going to explore three ways which if one understands can be used to start a business that works.

Step 1: Identify a Problem that you can solve

Business is really the provision of a solution. A person who can provide a solution is the person who can sell an idea. There are many problems that exist in the world and one needs to simply identify the problems that they believe they can work with and be able to provide a solution for. Now, we are not talking about taking advantage of people but rather finding solutions which people can exchange their money for your solution. Remember it must be a solution that you are capable of offering or making time for. If you cannot make time for that solution then usually it means that the business may not succeed or someone else will take your idea and make it work because they have more time.

Also read 8 Reasons why people are afraid to start a business

Step 2: Perfect the Solution

When you have a solution make sure that it is ready for distribution. This means thinking of the usual things on how you will bring the solution to people, how people will use the solution and what will make people like your solution. Half baked solutions can put people off and create a bad name for you before you even start your business. The solution must be complete, in other words it must be complete from start to end.

Step 3: Sell Sell Sell

The final step means getting people to buy, that is putting in the work to get people to appreciate the product that you will be selling. Business is an exchange of value, so your product or service must have a reasonable price so that it can attract demand from the different clients that you would have associated with step 1. Most people do not like step 3 because it means getting their hands dirty so to speak but it is also another important aspect of the business. In some cases people may be afraid to price their product or service feeling guilty about it but that is what business is about, exchanging value. If you are good at creating excel templates you might be surprised by just how many people are willing to pay for your services, it is the little things like these which can create a business for you.

If you really want to succeed in business you must be bold enough to take the necessary steps. These steps above are the core principles of starting a successful business. Think of any business that you know, they all go through these three steps, hence they are all monetizing a solution that they found for a particular problem.


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