Learning why The greatest Love song is not heard but is felt

Estimated read time 3 min read

Sound is beautiful to behold and words are incredible when the meaning is appreciated, however the true impact of love is not heard it is felt by the heart. Romance is many things which can be dreamy but love is one thing which moves the heart to joy and happiness.

It’s not how you construct the words

It’s not how the words are constructed that gives meaning to love, it is how the meaning is delivered to the heart that makes the words important. Words are a function of interpretation, if you want to be effective in showing your love then the way your words are felt will make a difference. “I love you” from one person will not have the same meaning when compared to the words coming from someone with affection.

It’s not the power of your actions it is the meaning of the actions

Romance is great and wonderful. One can have powerful intoxicating intentions in their actions but if the meaning of the affection cannot be deciphered by the heart it will be lost in translation. It is not the power of your actions that matter in love it is the meaning of the actions. A gift is impressive but a gift given by the heart presses the weight of love into a fine tapestry of beautiful love.

love sets

It’s not your presence but the presence of your affection

Your love is not completed by being present before the person you love, love is completed by the presence of your affection. You may be present for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week but if your affection is a distant stranger that knocks once in while then love will cease to answer the door.

The greatest love song is not heard it is felt in the deepest sense of your mind and heart. It makes sense in the chaos and brings sense to confusion. It is the fuel that drives your passion to succeed and the warrior that conquers any challenge. Don’t look to hear the sound of love, but look to feel the touch of love in your heart.

Love will never need to prove itself because it already constitutes itself as the evidence of love. It brings comfort and creates a bed of roses that has no prickles but a soft landing that encourages one with a sweet smell of aroma. When you find love in its authenticity, don’t ask it for its identify but feel its name and its words. The greatest love song is not heard it is felt in the deepest sense of your mind and heart


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