How Time Management is the Mathematics between Success and Failure

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Success is the rate at which you achieve your objectives over time. It is a measurement of the productivity of your time management such that the end result is worth distinguishing failure from success. If you are wondering why you are where you are today, look at what you spent your time doing why you were doing it, how you were doing it.

Success is an Investment

What are you doing right now?  If you believe in cause and effect then you would understand that everything that you do creates an effect in the next frame of time or life. So if I throw a glass in the air it creates the possibility of broken glass, or me scrambling to try and catch it, someone might need to clean the mess; whatever the outcome of possibilities, the fact that I threw the glass in the air, the glass is now affected and different outputs are going to happen. However, if I threw the glass in the air with the intention of catching it, the probability of it breaking becomes lower. My investment is what I do today which is calculated in the hope of getting a specific result.

Success is a Probability

In my book the “The Five Principles of Programmed Success“, I touch on the principle, “Availability creates opportunity”, simply put, until a capacity is created the opportunity may never be used. Your chances of success are higher if you use time in order to meet your objectives. The more you act towards something in time, the higher the probability of that thing occurring. Now, because time is the place of investment, what you do in the now affects its probability of occurring. Every action creates a myriad of possible outcomes and hence possible realities, your actions can be a determinant of which outcome will be mostly favored. If we use Einstein’s relativity theory, your success will thus be relative to how you position your actions towards the desired state (Think about that for a moment). The further away your actions are towards your goals in time the less likely that you will achieve what you need to achieve.

Success is a summation of events

Success is simply the sum of events. To be called the fastest person alive it means you must have undertaken several events to get to that event. These events would mean that you must have practiced, competed, got noticed and won on the grand stage, and broke the world records or fastest records available at the time. All these individual events are a domino effect that create the final event which is what we then call success. For these events to occur, time management must have occurred. What people normally see is the last event which is; “Donald Trump winning an election, Bolt winning the 100 meter race, Oprah being a billionaire, Strive Masiyiwa growing,  Musk achieving a space program”, yet behind all these is a string of habits, actions and principles that added up to the final event which we then recognize as success. Time management is the foundation of these events.

Success is Time Management

Time is the resource that we all have, no matter how old you are. What you do with the time will thus define what success will appear to you as. Your imagination is the principle reality that creates the blue print however time management is the ground in which you create the success. We become what we imagine, however we imagine what we understand we can do with time. One person will sleep more than another because they have invested enough to create passive income ,  whilst another will sleep less because they are still working on it, in either case everyone has invested something in time.

When you are doing what you do today, take stock of what it will produce for you. Time is not the ticking of a wall clock or the movement of a digital watch, it is the filed of investment and the ground on which success grows from.


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